We are grateful for the hard work and service of our volunteers who are committed to creating change in our community. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, follow the steps below.
To Become A Volunteer:
Contact Patsy’s House Children’s Advocacy Center at (940) 322-8890 or at the link below.
You will be asked for your contact information and be sent a volunteer application to complete.
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and a high school graduate.
As a part of the volunteer application, a criminal background check will be completed.
You will meet with the Volunteer Coordinator to discuss your interests, take a tour of our agency, and set up a schedule to volunteer.
Training will be individualized and based upon your interests. Training for each volunteer will also include an overview of our agency, observation of the community education programs, introduction to child abuse, and how to respond to questions and situations that you may come in contact with while you are volunteering.