Empower Your Child
You don’t want to frighten your children, but teach them some basic rules of safety in a non-threatening manner.
Have open communication and emphasize that they will not get in trouble if they tell you about abuse or other confusing events.
Emphasize that you need to know this to be able to keep them safe and that they will be OK if they tell you.
Instead of teaching them that they are surrounded by danger, teach them that they are strong, capable, and can count on you to keep them safe, as long as they can tell you about it.
Teach them that it is not OK for ANYONE to touch their body if they do not consent or understand what is happening.
What do I do if my child discloses abuse?
Let your child know that you love them and are going to do what it takes to help them.
REPORT the abuse by calling: 1-800-252-5400
Be calm and reassuring to your child. Let your child know that it is okay to speak to the workers involved in the case.
Don’t coach your child on what to say. It is important that your child tells what happened in his/her own words. Encourage your child to tell the truth.
Always seek professional guidance before allowing any contact between the offender and your child.
Make sure that your child and other supportive family members (including you) receive therapy as soon as possible.
Cooperate with the professionals, even though at times it may feel like your privacy is being invaded. The information you are being asked to provide is necessary to your child’s case.
Things You Can Say To Help Your Child
I believe you
It’s not your fault
I’m glad I know what happened
I will take care of you
I am upset, but not with you
Sometimes we love someone but hate something they did
This has happened to other children
You’re not the only one that something like this has happened to
I’m sorry that this happened
It’s okay to cry or be mad; you don’t have to keep it inside